Our practice was formed with the intention of establishing a one-of-a-kind day surgery: a retina and macula competence centre. Apart from treating patients who seek our advice directly, and whom we see on a regular basis, we also work with a great many GPs, ophthalmologists and internists from other regions – including Brandenburg, Berlin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony-Anhalt – who refer their patients for further diagnosis, assessment or operations.

Our hospital is unusual in being able to offer expertise covering all parts of the eye – both in the anterior segment and in the posterior segment of the eyeball – and the option of performing all operations for patients, including patients of most public health insurers. Our surgical work focuses on complex disorders of the retina and macula. And our special and unusual expertise lies in the demanding diagnosis and surgical correction of the most delicate parts of the eye: the retina, which enables us to actually “see”, and the highly sensitive macula (see also AMD monitoring), the area responsible for high-acuity vision. We can provide these specialised medical assessment and treatment services thanks to our years of extensive surgical experience and our superbly equipped modern facilities.

In the posterior segment, the assessment of a clinical finding in terms of its accessibility for surgical treatment differs significantly from the assessment of surgical options for eye problems in the anterior segment – which is typically a straightforward decision for any ophthalmologist. In the posterior segment, the question of whether surgery to the retina or macula will improve the visual acuity of the eye can often be answered only by a practising ophthalmic surgeon with a wealth of experience. We therefore enjoy a trusted and high-quality relationship with all of our ophthalmologist colleagues, providing help where our advanced techniques are required.

By concentrating expertise for all parts of the eye into one Centre, we can perform multiple surgical interventions within one operation, with all of the patient benefits offered by a combined operation. Common combinations include surgery for cataracts and to reduce intraocular pressure (combined cataract and glaucoma operation) or surgery on the retina and cataracts (combined retina and cataract operation). Since our team handles very complex eye operations as part of routine practice, you can rest assured that you will be in safe hands even for common, smaller-scale procedures such as (cataract surgery).

Since we perform many eye operations in our hospital each and every day (as outpatient surgery), we are an important address in Potsdam for emergencies affecting the posterior segment of the eye – such as detached retinas, bleeding in the eye (hyphaemia), injuries, etc.


In June 2008, we implemented an internationally recognised quality management system and have since been successfully certified to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2001.



Our spectrum comprises the assessment and conservative or surgical treatment of the following eye disorders (selection):

  • Age-related and other forms of macular degeneration
  • Retinal disorders related to diabetes
  • Retinal detachments and retinal tears
  • Bleeding in the vitreous body or retina
  • Membrane formations in the eye
  • Macular foramen, macular oedema (formation of a hole or swelling in the macula)
  • Vessel occlusions
  • Epiretinal gliosis (macular pucker – membrane formation on the retina)
  • Inflammation in posterior segment
  • Management of complications from earlier operations
  • Injuries